Ways of Playing Arya Play Card games

“Curious about how to play our Arya Play card games?

The first step is figuring out which purpose connected the most to you and your team – what part of you, your friends, family, or colleagues would you like to explore and understand today using our Arya Play cards?

Are you ready for some quiet self-analysing? Or do you want to spend time with your friends? Why not spend some time getting to know your tribe? Wait! You can find out what they think of you?

Most Valued – Values important to you and your tribe

  • Shuffle the deck and distribute 5 cards to each player.
  • Place the remaining cards face down in the center, with the topmost card facing up.
  • Draw a card from the pile and compare it to the ones you have in your hand.
  • Switch the card you “Value Less” with the one you choose, or keep the cards you have in your hands.
  • Continue doing so until you get the five cards that best represent your personality or goals.
  • Now, among the five cards in your hand, discard the two cards that you value the least.
  • “The Core Traits” is suggested by the remaining three cards.

Shared Value – Tell stories about your tribe’s most valued traits

  • Players may swap their preferred cards with others or from the discarded pile after picking the three core traits in Most Valued.
  • Share stories of times when the trait you’d like to switch your card with was tested.
  • If there is a tie, the one who tells the best story gets the card (as voted by remaining players)

Children valued stories – Maintain a bond with your children while teaching them about life.

  • Shuffle the deck and deal the cards face up or face down.
  • Request the children choose the top card from the deck.
  • Ask about what each value on the card means to them.
  • Tell them about the idea and ask them how important it would be in their lives.
  • To begin a conversation about each concept, repeat this process for each card in the pile.
  • Inculcate value education in children in a creative manner, and get to know how they see the world.

Selfie Like – Icebreaker game

  • Face down the whole deck, with the top card facing up.
  • Choose one of these 4 categories for each card at the top of the pile, based on how you now feel about the activity or value:
    • EXCITE – This is exciting to me
    • POSITIVE – This fills me up with positive energy
    • NEGATIVE – I don’t like this
    • UNEXCITED – I feel Meh or uninterested about it.
  • Now, categories the cards in the first two categories as per priority you wish to give them right now:
    • LESS – I want to do less of this
    • SAME – I am satisfied with this currently.
    • MORE – I want to do more of this
  • Rep for each of the cards in the deck.
  • Get a clear picture of how you spend your time and what you can do to make it more fun.

Selfie Future – Get to know yourself

  • Face down the whole deck, with the top card facing up.
  • Put the cards you’ve drawn into categories based on their similarity to events in your life:
    • PAST – It was relevant to me in the past
    • PRESENT – It remains relevant to me to date
    • FUTURE – It may become relevant to me in the future
  • Repeat this until you have classified all the traits in the pack into one of these categories.

Bidding Wars – The best party game to play with your friends

  • Shuffle the cards and set them face down in the center of the table.
  • Overturn the top card.
  • Each person who thinks the card is fascinating makes a bid. It’s a bet.
  • The card goes to the highest bidder.
  • Repeat the procedure with the next card in the pile.
  • Play the game until either everyone has run out of money or the deck has been emptied.
  • While having a lot of fun, get a clear understanding of how significant each quality is to yourself and other members of your friends/families.

Priority Twists – best party game to find out How much do you know about your friends?

  • Shuffle the cards and distribute them to all of the players in the group.
  • Choose a card to discard and reveal it to the rest of the group.
  • Choose a card you’d want to swap it for and present it to another player who you believe is likely to discard it.
  • You only have three chances to convince a player to make a trade – make the most of them to get all the cards you want.
  • Find out how well you know your tribe and tell them why you believe they’re more inclined to swap a certain card.

Killer perceptions – best card game to play with friends to share your vibes

  • Turn over the top card and keep all the cards face down.
  • Everyone in the game votes on who the card best describes.
  • Place the card at the front of the player who receives the most votes.
  • Continue until everyone has been allocated to all of the cards.
  • At the end of the game, each player selects five cards from their pile and asks their teammates why they voted for them.
  • Identify your blind spots – learn how people see you, why they see you that way, and how you want to be seen.
  • Play our self-reflection activities to explore how you can strive toward that view.

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