“Curious about how to play our Arya Play card games?
The first step is figuring out which purpose connected the most to you and your team – what part of you, your friends, family, or colleagues would you like to explore and understand today using our Arya Play cards?
Are you ready for some quiet self-analysing? Or do you want to spend time with your friends? Why not spend some time getting to know your tribe? Wait! You can find out what they think of you?
Most Valued – Values important to you and your tribe
- Shuffle the deck and distribute 5 cards to each player.
- Place the remaining cards face down in the center, with the topmost card facing up.
- Draw a card from the pile and compare it to the ones you have in your hand.
- Switch the card you “Value Less” with the one you choose, or keep the cards you have in your hands.
- Continue doing so until you get the five cards that best represent your personality or goals.
- Now, among the five cards in your hand, discard the two cards that you value the least.
- “The Core Traits” is suggested by the remaining three cards.
Shared Value – Tell stories about your tribe’s most valued traits
- Players may swap their preferred cards with others or from the discarded pile after picking the three core traits in Most Valued.
- Share stories of times when the trait you’d like to switch your card with was tested.
- If there is a tie, the one who tells the best story gets the card (as voted by remaining players)
Children valued stories – Maintain a bond with your children while teaching them about life.
- Shuffle the deck and deal the cards face up or face down.
- Request the children choose the top card from the deck.
- Ask about what each value on the card means to them.
- Tell them about the idea and ask them how important it would be in their lives.
- To begin a conversation about each concept, repeat this process for each card in the pile.
- Inculcate value education in children in a creative manner, and get to know how they see the world.
Selfie Like – Icebreaker game
- Face down the whole deck, with the top card facing up.
- Choose one of these 4 categories for each card at the top of the pile, based on how you now feel about the activity or value:
- EXCITE – This is exciting to me
- POSITIVE – This fills me up with positive energy
- NEGATIVE – I don’t like this
- UNEXCITED – I feel Meh or uninterested about it.
- Now, categories the cards in the first two categories as per priority you wish to give them right now:
- LESS – I want to do less of this
- SAME – I am satisfied with this currently.
- MORE – I want to do more of this
- Rep for each of the cards in the deck.
- Get a clear picture of how you spend your time and what you can do to make it more fun.
Selfie Future – Get to know yourself
- Face down the whole deck, with the top card facing up.
- Put the cards you’ve drawn into categories based on their similarity to events in your life:
- PAST – It was relevant to me in the past
- PRESENT – It remains relevant to me to date
- FUTURE – It may become relevant to me in the future
- Repeat this until you have classified all the traits in the pack into one of these categories.
Bidding Wars – The best party game to play with your friends
- Shuffle the cards and set them face down in the center of the table.
- Overturn the top card.
- Each person who thinks the card is fascinating makes a bid. It’s a bet.
- The card goes to the highest bidder.
- Repeat the procedure with the next card in the pile.
- Play the game until either everyone has run out of money or the deck has been emptied.
- While having a lot of fun, get a clear understanding of how significant each quality is to yourself and other members of your friends/families.
Priority Twists – best party game to find out How much do you know about your friends?
- Shuffle the cards and distribute them to all of the players in the group.
- Choose a card to discard and reveal it to the rest of the group.
- Choose a card you’d want to swap it for and present it to another player who you believe is likely to discard it.
- You only have three chances to convince a player to make a trade – make the most of them to get all the cards you want.
- Find out how well you know your tribe and tell them why you believe they’re more inclined to swap a certain card.
Killer perceptions – best card game to play with friends to share your vibes
- Turn over the top card and keep all the cards face down.
- Everyone in the game votes on who the card best describes.
- Place the card at the front of the player who receives the most votes.
- Continue until everyone has been allocated to all of the cards.
- At the end of the game, each player selects five cards from their pile and asks their teammates why they voted for them.
- Identify your blind spots – learn how people see you, why they see you that way, and how you want to be seen.
- Play our self-reflection activities to explore how you can strive toward that view.